東方 Piano Wind God Girl, 4 hisshi
Circle: hechoya (へちょ屋) Arranger: hisshi Album: Tempest Title: 風凪ぐ山 Origin: Touhou 9 Phantasmagoria of Flower View, , Aya Shameimaru s Theme Circle s Homepage: Album Info + Xfade: Aya Shameimaru s theme. This is the short version of the theme to Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red. The original piece was a long six minutes, but such long battles in this game cannot happen, so I took the main section and looped it. I imagined a wind god girl looking good playing the trumpet when I made this. A world where feelings fly on the winds. This is the image I had in mind for Phantasmagoria of Flower View. ZUNMusicRoom I do recall someone requesting for an arrangement of Wind God Girl. In any case, here is an arrangement made by one of my personal favorite Touhou piano arranger s Illustrator(s)