The Hadleys Hope Aftermath: 35 Years Later
A look at the new Marvel comic Aliens: Aftermath, and its depiction of Acheron 35 years after the events of Aliens. The planetoid is much different this time around, and is home to a new type of Xenomorph. Facebook: Twitter: Patreon: ELLEN RIPLEY TIER OF EXCELLENCE: Lady Anne ö(Jessica M Kandal, PhD) WEYLAND YUTANI EXECUTIVES: EmYarUk, , Mark Fox QUEENS: Ronni Jensen, Alyssane, Jackson roesch WARRIORS: Kurt Venetis, Blockerman DRONES: KuroNyra, Grace Ryder, Matthew Coleman, Yunners, Waya525 CHESTBURSTERS: James Aponte, Rafael Aguila, Oliver, Stewart Crichton, Matt Bro, BWXenogears, Thomas Watvedt, Gregor Mundell. John C Jones, Sean Arme, Thomas J Gettings, Commodore Erickson, TariqRUH, Arkuras, Ambrosia. Project Acheron, Robert Johnson, Axel R. Garcia, Adam LaZerte, David Hokanson, Mark Lennon