Power BI Update September 2021
Welcome to the September 2021 update, time flies and its Fall already Here, in the Pacific Northwest, the first leaves have turned red and started falling. In this update, we have exciting new things for buttons, line charts, and DAX functions. Also, Insights is new this month and we have added some new capabilities for Goals. There is more to explore, please continue to read on. Reporting New formatting options for buttons 00:14 Toggle total columns in waterfall charts 01:09 Line chart series labels 01:35 Sensitivity label support for Power BI template files 04:20 Analytics Insights (preview) 04:47 Modeling Shortcut expression for CALCULATE now supports aggregation functions 05:39 New parameter for XIRR function 06:09 Making it easier to format based on a users locale 06:29 Data connectivity and preparation The Power BI Connector in Power Automat