Lustige Outtakes mit Linda Marlen Runge, Jörn Schlönvoigt und Co
Original: Linda: a good smacking Ramona: Yeah on, um the you know Linda: Yes, heinie she says Pöter, regional term for butt Ramona: On the what Linda: Heinie Ramona: I meant the other thing Linda: Peepee Linda: Aren t we in it at all this week Ramona: Yes. Where are our scenes Linda: Do I still have black stuff on my face Iris Iris: No. And if you did, I wouldn t tell you now. Linda: I m tired. Ramona: Yeah. Come on, this is nice. We re watching TV. Iris: I think I know Linda: Ok, what Iris: I think he no, I know. Um, he. . because she used to be with him, and now she s with Leon, and he s mad, he what s this music Linda: He. .. Iris: He stole the Mauerwerk Linda: He stole the Mauerwerk. ..