Nicky Until Tonight
UNTIL TONIGHT My days are like strangers My dreams in my lonely nights My time is so precious I ve been livin in the dark I m goin through some changes It s too much confusing me A new girl from now one A new one I want to be Until tonight a thousand times It wasn t me in my own mind Tonight tonight the stars are bright I m someone new I know I m right Until tonight until tonight It s seen enough I want no more Now I ll decide to live my life My precious time s is the open door Izvodjac: Biljana Pantelic Tekst: Rajko Simunovic Snimljeno: Veljace, 1985, Studio Jugoton JF Producent: Branko Podbreznicki Svi instrumentali: Dusko PPG Mandic Logo: Aleksandar Rublek Photo design: Drazen Kalenic Urednik: SInica Skarica Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Dubravko Majnaric JUGOTON naklada nosilaca zvuka OOURa Zagreb Ma