James Alexander Malcolm Mac Kenzie Fraser 300th Birthday Tribute Video Champion
James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser was born in Scotland on May 1, 1721 at Lallybroch near Inverness, Scotland. He celebrates his 300th birthday today. He is currently living with his wife Claire Fraser, their Daughter Brianna and her husband Roger as well as their adopted son Fergus and his wife, and several grand children. James Fraser is portrayed by the amazing actor Sam Heughan on the TV show Outlander. Claire Fraser is portrayed by the stunning actress Caitriona Balfe who brings Jamie to life. We follow this incredible love story through war, separation and sorrow. The show has been on Starz now for 5 seasons and is currently in production for season 6. The show is based on the novels written by the amazing Diana Gabaldon. If you haven t read the books or watched the show you got some time to get caught up with the rest of the world, before season 6 premieres. , Outlander , Jamie Fraser, SamHeughan, Jamie300thbirthday