04 Ayelet Ahavim ( Beloved Gazelle) Ofra Haza
In 1987 came the third and last issue of the Shirey Moledet series, for the 40th anniversary of founding the Israeli State. Thus as if Ofra would sit with David BenGurions spirit (Israels former prime minister, he declared independence for the Jewish state) listening to his tales on the album cover image. The tracks are deep Israeli folk songs again in a new approach. Lyrics (English translation): Tell me, beloved gazelle Why did you cover your head with a purple scarf What are your lashes sad about And whys your neck bowed like a stalk On my wedding with my beloved I wore This golden ruby ring When he sailed on his ship that night He carried my heart with him Tell me, beloved gazelle To whom his traces are known What do you predict in the stars And what did your beloved send from his travels He sent a white letter From a port city which is on the north coast I will write again in another year Wait for me, beautiful, I l