Shadowlands (1993), Full Movie, C. S. Lewis, Joss Auckland, Claire Bloom, David Waller
Watch Shadowlands (1993) Full Movie C. S. Lewis on Vision Video He cried out, Where is God when I really need him This film is about the agonizing spiritual crisis of C. S. Lewis when his wife died from cancer. The love, grief, pain, and sorrow were so shattering to Lewis that his basic Christian beliefs, magnificently communicated in his many books, were now called into serious doubt. Relive the journey of C. S. Lewis during the days prior to and after the cancerrelated death of his wife Joy in this film that captures both heart and mind. You will be able to see his commitment to Christ despite severe trials. He picked up the pieces and moved out of the depressing shadowlands, realizing that real life has not even begun Director: Norman Stone Stars: Joss Auckland, Claire Bloom, David Waller, Rupert Baderman Follow us on Facebook for more updates