Would You Believe It No. 3 (1934)
Titles read: Would you believe it No. 3. Queer things the world over, Described by CHARLES Various locations of events. On Cheapside in London we see the smallest shop in the world a tiny tobacconist kiosk. People are served by an old man sitting behind the counter. The shop is only 22 inches wide. Near Farringdon Street Station we see a pub called The Castle. We are told it is the only pub in the world that is also legally a pawnbrokers. We see the license on the wall inside, issued by a former king of England who was short of cash and left his watch for security. M, S of a cottage in Sussex with a creeper that has been trained to spell out Praise the Lord on the side of the house. In Sweden we see various shots of a traditional village wedding. A procession of people in traditional clothing walk through the snowy streets. Two tall trees are planted outside the house of the couple. At Tesefon (sp ), Baghdad, we see a huge stone arch with nothing supporting it underneath.