Czech vs Polish PM 63: Comparing Semi Auto Scorpion Rak Pistols in 9x18 Makarov
In this one, we compare and contrast two semiauto only pistol versions of a couple Comblock era SMG, PDWs. The SA Scorpion is built by DTechnik, CSA and imported from the Czech Republic. The PM63c Rak is assembled by PAC and imported from Poland. We compare their military histories, point out some features, and show footage from the range covering both handguns. A small correction, in the video, I say the PM63 s short mag holds 10 rounds, when I should have said 15. Interested in becoming a Patreon contributor Check out our Patreon page at: Visit to read more articles. This video is produced and published to YouTube for historical and educational purposes and to document and make record of the content herein publicly available for said purposes. The Mishaco channel is run by experienced and trained industry professionals and all activity portrayed and content herein is presented with all considerations to s