Bo Burnham Sad
Just picture a depressed onion cutting itself. ) I met a homeless man named Rich (He wasn t) Isn t that terrible I saw a flyer for a lost dog and the dog didn t have any legs I saw a diabetic kid trick or treating I saw a giraffe who had a short neck That was sad or a deer I saw an old man get hit by a train He didn t see it in the pouring rain He didn t hear me shout, Look out for the train Cause I didn t say anything I just thought to myself, Oh this is gonna be And it was, I m a genius I saw a man with only one eye in a 3D movie I saw a little boy drop his ice cream cone directly on his mother s corpse I saw a kitten stuck in a tree then the kitten jumped off and he hung itself I saw a boy who had red hair I went to a store looking for something to buy But they only sold paintings of the same sad guy No, waitthis store sells mirrors See what I did there Let s rock No The world s so sad, bros Pain, genocide, war, sexism, racism But I gotta remember there s good t