multicrossover find my way back ypiv
Watch in HD please people + earphones So, this multi crossover YPIV was to celebrate my 1, 5k but its more gonna be for my 1, 6k haha Dont get me wrong, Ive been working on this for 2 months now I couldnt wait to finish it Some pairings were harder to edit then others, especially Betty Parrish (thanks to Océane ) I had a haaaaard time finding manips for them But here it is, and Im pretty proud of the result Hope youll like it guys Much loooove for Barbalas9296: Damon Veronica for nocandlesnoprayers. : Lydia Archie; Steve Allison for kfall15: Brooke FP Jones for faye. : Cheryl Barry for May Teera: Hannah Charlie for SweetDreams: Caroline Lucas for xxeverlarkxx: Stiles Elena for Umi: Parrish Betty Please, feel free to give me your opinion, it matters to me. Song: Show: too many Software: Final C