CGI Animated Short Film: Being Good by Jenny Harder, CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Being Good Animated Short Film by Jenny Harder. Featured on CGMeetup We are over 80 people that have been working on the short film BEING GOOD for the last 2 years. We received 2 Awards of Excellence and 3 Awards for Best Animated Short in 2018. Directorby Jenny Harder Our story is about Embry and her two guardians, the Angel Ava and the Demon Mal who act as her conscience and when they find out that Embry can actually see them also as involuntary, surrogate parents for the runaway teen. While Ava and Mal could easily be considered as good and evil we quickly discover that they have very human personalities and flaws. Even more reason for Embry not to listen to their guidance. Being Good is about the concept of family and identity. Its about how our values are shaped and the fact that being good can mean something different to someone else entirely. We started BEING GOOD as a proof of concept for a potential feat