Trance House Home info Music 12 inch vinyl on very old AD C60 tape
Around 2000ish Home of Music 12 inch vinyl records. Way too hot recorded for this old AD tape. Dropouts Really Audio route: LATE 70 S TDK ADC90 to NAK CR1 to CUSTOM DNR LM1894 to ROLAND 48khz UA1610 punchout DBX 166XS to DBX 231S. The only digital thing that has been processed is normalise. The analog DNR board is the ultimate analog sound screwup, Psychoacoustic masking, and an adaptive bandwidth scheme. Oh yeah, that s how you describe that. I love this thing. Play this on headphones loud, preferably when you have a Sunday morning hangover. The lazy video has been recoded realtime with an old analog Sony CCD security cam and a portable barebones light, synched up in Ableton.