HALF LIFE 2 VR IS INSANE ( The BEST VR MOD of 2022), , New Quest 2 Airlink Gameplay
Half Life 2 is one of the best games of all time now thanks to an INCREDIBLE new VR mod it s also one of the best VR games you could ever hope to play, with visuals physics that rival many native VR titles (even without the many graphics texture mods you can apply) Half Life 2 VR is truly impressive It s been a few years since I jumped into Half Life 2, the last time I played was when the Orange Box launched back on the Xbox 360, but I ve always wanted to try this one out in VR. The only way to experience Half Life 2 VR previously was to use a wonky moderately difficult to set up system that involved Garys Mod, it was far from perfect. However now we have this brand new VR mod that makes Half Life 2 feel like a native VR game, with full motion controls, 6DOF, sharp visuals, solid performance, manual reloading and a suite of other amazing features this is easily the best VR mod of 2022 so If you ve never played Half Life 2 (where the hell have you been