Sarah Paulson I Did Something Bad x Take You To Hell
There is something more dangerous in this world than a humiliated man: A nasty Watch in HD quality (720p or 1080p) and with headphones. It really makes a Sarah Paulson is amazing. , fanvidfeed, viddingisart, SarahPaulson, Ratched, AHS, Multifandom Dedicated to Stardust for motivating me to finish this. Feedback always appreciated Please don t dislike the video just because you don t like the ship and, or the character(s) Everybody is free to ship whoever they want with whoever they like. I respect you, your ship and your works so I expect the same from you from a vidder to another. Follow me Instagram Twitter Character(s): Mildred Ratched, Susan Atkins, Cordelia Goode, Emma, Sally McKenna, Ally MayfairRichards, Billie Dean Howard,