The Well: Teresa shares her favourite self work reads Episode 12
Many moons ago I discovered Oprahs book club and became fascinated with books such as Echart Tolles A New Earth and Michael Singer s The Untethered Soul. I relished in this new way of thinking and started deep diving in to other likeminded authors finding many works that would help shape my blossoming spiritual journey. In this episode of The Well I share my favourite self work reads, from books about how to engage in mindful relationships, to themes discussing healing old wounds, being a good listener, fighting fair during conflict and navigating lifes time poor moments. The four books I chose to read from this episode have had a profound impact on me over the years and I am thrilled to share them with you. I hope they move you they way they have me. The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur Living Beautifully by Pema Chodron The Urban Monk by Pedram Shojai If the Buddha married by Charlotte Kasl We hope you enjoyed this episode of T