Giant Conveyor Carries Bales A Mile (1914 1918)
Giant Conveyor Carries Bales A Mile. United States of America. Some great film of Cotton processing in the USA; ca 1918; including a new labour saving invention for transporting bales. Opens with shot of 2 men walking between cotton stacked up to their shoulders. Then shot of a row of machines part of cotton gin ejecting pieces of cotton into metal containers. CU one of these openings with small cotton balls shooting out. Lines of white men standing at tables inspecting cotton. Then pan across large lot full of cotton bales in bags; with cards attached to them. Workers hook bales to a huge conveyor which then lifts the bales up a slope. Shot of the conveyor coming out of the building it looks like a ski lift. CU of bales moving on the conveyor; upward; while on the other side more bales move in the opposite direction Title flash frame: The overhead conveyor carries the bales a distance of one mile; thereby saving the work of over 100 Shot of the conveyor supported by a tall t