Rustic garden decoration ideas: wooden figurines and sculptures 62 beautiful ideas
Rustic garden decoration ideas: wooden figurines and sculptures 62 beautiful ideas When purchasing a plot, the owners of private houses first of all think about the house, garden and vegetable garden. When the minimum program is completed, there is time and a desire to start decorating the territory. And here you will come to the aid of sculptures made of wood. Wooden figures enliven the site, give it a unique look and make it more interesting. In order for the sculptures to become the highlight of your garden, and not turn into a tasteless heap of figurines, follow the designers advice when decorating the site: Wooden sculpture is best suited for a landscape or country style garden. Place wooden figures next to coniferous trees, on the bank of the pond, on the lawn. But in the middle of a multicolored flower bed or next to a flower garden, it is better not to put them, because. flowers will draw attention to themselves and the sculpture will go unnoticed. It is very i