SKÁ LD, Grótti ( Lyrics Translation)
Enable subtitles for the English translation Both the translation to English and the transliteration to runes made by me, but since I cannot call myself an expert either in Old Norse and runes, any correction and, or suggestion is warmly appreciated. The lyrics come from Grottasöngr ( Song of Grótti ), from the Poetic Edda. The chapter tells the story of the Danish king Fróði, during whose kingdom emperor Augustus imposed a period of peace, Pax Romana ( Peace of Rome ). During this time, Fróði was gifted a magic quern, which could grind anything, from gold to peace, but was so heavy it couldn t be moved by any. Fróði later bought two enslaved giantesses, whom he forced to work restlessly night and day, to grind him riches, peace and joy. The giantesses started to sing Grottasöngr while grinding and so, they ground and army led by the seaking Mysing, who killed Fróði and brought Grótti an