Steam Powered Giraffe Clockwork Vaudeville ( Lawnmower Fish Tank Filter Remix)
This video was done for fun after I laid down some Clockwork Vaudeville vocals for Album One back in 2008. We were messing around in between takes and adding effects to my voice. Naturally I ran with the AutoTune one, as any person given that chance would when hearing it on their voice live. So I took that autotuned take and ran even further with it and slapped it together with some synthetic beats, and other vocal tracks. In the end I forced everyone to do this video and they all hated me for it. They agreed to do it jokes on them muwahaha I will was a stupid it was fun for awhile when filming it. Then it became shameful. Now it hides in Patronisim to never see the public light again. David Michael Bennett The Spine David Bennett, Декабрь 19, 2012 Michael wore that outfit on stage in San Diego with us a few years ago for a show. It was under his regular close and he had breakaway pants that he ripped off. No joke. oo Christopher Bennett, Декабрь 26, 2