Music theres a pony and seas selling sea shells
throughout this trip, it felt like there was nonstop talking in my head. i dont know what was even being said, but everything always felt so crowded. the closer we approached this place, the louder it got. maybe i needed something to focus on because after feeling the excitement and the adrenaline of the festival, there was this beautiful fish that i came across. it was actually being kept at a stall by my yak neighbours, halibut and lancaster. they didnt seem to know much about it quite yet, and were hoping id be able to research it and explain more. it was this really big, silky, rainbow koi fish. actually, i can show you later. theyre keeping it in town right now for me to check out later this week. but when i came across the fish, my head became quiet. so thats why im thinking i had to focus on something. the rainbow koi grounded me, and i could just stare at it forever and ever. it was gorgeous. i could swear i could feel it speaking in its gaze. i couldnt check it out forever though. yo