MILES: A Spider Man Fan Film (2020)
When 19 year old Miles Morales decides to take over the mantle of SpiderMan after Peter Parker disappears, he finds himself alone in stopping the Shocker and Rocket Racer. FOLLOW THE PROJECT: milesspidermanfanfilm This short film is a non profit project. All rights to the characters and music within belong to their respective owners. Winner of Best Visual Effects Iowa Motion Picture Association Awards Official Selection: Live Action Short Form Iowa Motion Picture Association Awards Official Selection: GeekFest Comic Con Year 8 Starring: Lakin Mims as Miles Morales lakinmims Dylan Jaeger as Herman Schultz, The Shocker Finch Moore as Robbie Farrell, Rocket Racer finchmooreofficial Nick Messersmith as Conor Carlos Alexander as Cab Driver Tristan Bennett as Trent, Civilian, 1 Kazek IsraniWinger as Civilian, 2 Luke Kreger as Civilian, 3 Dora Ui as Civilian, 4 Mariana Calderon as Civilian, 5 Rob M