Gundam Factory Yokohamais an upcoming amusement center themed after the Gundam franchise. Located at Yamashita Pier in Yokohama, Japan, it will be the home of the moving lifesizedRX782 Gundam. Gundam Factory Yokohama was originally scheduled to open in October 2020, but was delayed to before the end of the year due to COVID191. Attractions GundamDock The GundamDock is the hangar bay where the moving Gundam is stored and maintained. Visitors can get a closer view of the Gundam at the GundamDock tower. GundamLab Near the GundamDock is the GundamLab, an entertainment complex where visitors can learn more about the moving Gundam and purchase souvenirs. Academy The Academy gives visitors information on the structure, design, and mechanism of the moving Gundam. Conference Room The Conference Room is for events, lectures, research presentations, and workshops. It will also serve as a special exhibition space for universities, tech companies, and research institutes. The Gundam Base Yokohama