Son of Thirteen analysis
Mark Mazzatenta s discussion and performance of the form, harmonies, and improvisation tips for Pat Metheny s Son of at 13:21 min I MEANT to say GSHARP minor pentatonic See the links below for score examples from the song. The 5th interval on the downbeat of measure 1 is the only one that is an Augmented 5th (a halfstep larger than a Perfect 5th). Please like this video, share with friends, subscribe to my channel, and watch my other 200+ guitar instruction, performance videos Donations are very much appreciated. I spend a lot of time researching and practicing to make these videos. Any amount is appreciated. For donations of 25 USD or more, I will email you a PDF of The Guitar Guide. The Guide is my book which explores 25 topics. Donate here: Thanks for watching Instagram: musicwithmazz Would you like a private Zoom lesson, consultation Email me