This Is The Way I Get Dressed By Myself, Little Angel Kids Songs Nursery Rhymes
Baby John is a big boy and is ready for his next challenge: getting dressed by himself. The only problem is that he doesnt know what to wear. Enjoy this new version of I Can Dress Myself Mommy. , littleangel , littleangelnurseryrhymes , babyjohnsongs , babyjohnnurseryrhymes () Subscribe to Little Angel for new videos Song Lyrics I can get dressed by myself Put on a teeshirt yes I can Put on a coat by myself I can do it Yes you can I will show you Baby John And you will get dressed the right way. Step by step Baby John I can do it Yes you can I can get dressed by myself Put on my teeshirt yes I can I can get dressed by myself I can do it Yes you can That one is too small for you This one will fit better on you Thats my little dinosaur man I can do it Yes you can I can get dressed by myself Like a dinosaur yes I can I can get dressed by myself I can do it Rarrr Yes you can Lets try shorts to keep you cool One leg