Johnny Cash F k All the Perfect People ( Chip Taylor The New Ukrainians AI Cover)
Description: AIGenerated Music Attribution: The music in this video has been generated using artificial intelligence, specifically Johnny Cash AI Model. We want to credit the incredible technology behind this creative process. Disclaimer: This content is not intended for commercial purposes. It is purely a creative exploration utilizing AIgenerated music. No direct use of copyrighted owner is involved. This cover was generated by AI tools and represents a synthetic video. I don t own the beat or the original song. This is AICover of the original track Fk All the Perfect People by Chip Taylor The New Ukrainians with a new vocal mix and different beat. Collaboration with AI: The AI model used is a tool for artistic expression, and its outputs are shaped by creative choices made by the content creator. We respect and acknowledge the original works and artists while exploring the possibilities of AIgenerated content.