Public Snowboards Waiting Room x Joe Sexton Full Part
PSA: Public Snowboards Announcement The wait is over. Waiting Room is now online. Along with Joe Sexton s season edit from last year. The first part of the edit showcases the stacked upandcomers, as well as the veterans, that call Public Snowboards home. Then Joe Sexton drops his latest masterpiece with mindand boardbending clips. Enjoy. Featuring snowboarding by Dominic Palarchio, Craig Cameron, Ben Bilodeau, Darrell Mathes, Kas Lemmens, Nick Dirks, Andy Pearson, and Joe Sexton. Edited by Zoe Erickson. Filmed by Alex Pfeffer, Derek Combs, Dan Pergrin, Trevor Slattery, Riley Erickson, Jake Durham, Tanner Pendleton, Sam Garneau, and Zak Peterson. For the latest in snowboarding videos and more, hit us with a follow: Facebook: Instagram: Snowboarder Video: YouTube: