Eustachian Tube Dysfunction ETD Exercises and Massage Techniques for Ear Fullness
If you suffer from clogged ears that feel plugged or a fullness that is difficult to clear, this video and my ETD Q A video are great places to start. A lot of people report muffled hearing, popping or clicking in the ears or even have tinnitus or ringing in the ears that has been helped by these simple exercises focused on eustachian tube dysfunction. I am often asked if people should fly in a airplane with ETD and the inability to clear their ears with altitude. This can sometimes result in pain in the ears and even damage. So, proceed with caution and perform these ear exercises 2 times per day. There is no promise here but a lot of clinical success. These exercises may help resolve ETD and they are an adjunct to our inoffice therapy. For help from Dr Fields using the Modified Muncie Technique, Endonasal Cranial Adjusting and other modalities check out: For more info on other modalities, lo