индийский журавль, Sarus Crane calling सम द ध क प रत क ह यह पक ष , द र लभ व
Thesarus crane(Antigone antigone) is a large nonmigratorycranefound in parts of theIndian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia and Australia. The tallest of the flying birds, standing at a height of up to 1. 8m (5ft 11in), 3they are conspicuous and iconic4species of openwetlands. The sarus crane is easily distinguished from other cranes in the region by the overall grey colour and the contrasting red head and upper neck. They forage onmarshesand shallow wetlands for roots, tubers, insects, crustaceans and small vertebrate prey. Like other cranes, they form longlastingpairbondsand maintain territories within which they perform territorial and courtshipdisplaysthat include loud trumpeting, leaps and dancelike movements. In India they are considered symbols of marital fidelity, believed to mate for life and pine the loss of their mates even to the point of starving to death. The main breeding season is during therainy season, when the pair builds an enormous nest island, a circular plat