Taxi Driver: Travis asks out Betsy HD CLIP
Whats happening in this Taxi Driver movie clip Travis (Robert De Niro, who also starred in The Irishman and the Goodfellas) enters the headquarters of one of the presidential candidates, Palantine, and offers his services there. At his demand, it is Betsy (Cybill Shepherd who also played in Clair de Lune and The Last Session) who takes his request, and very quickly we realize that he is not there for the potential future president, but rather to ask Betsy to have coffee with him, which she ends up agreeing to after a big speech from Travis. Rent or buy Taxi Driver here: Whats the Taxi Driver movie about Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro, who also starred in The Irishman and Goodfellas) is a mentally unstable veteran. He is a taxi driver in New York City. In order to cleanse the city of its corruption, Travis prepares to assassinate the two presidential candidates. He also releases an underage prostitute, Iris Easy (Jodie Foster, who also starred in The Silence