Res Nets are back baby theyre gone, Machine Learning Monthly March 2021
Machine Learning Monthly covers the latest and greatest (but not always the latest) in machine learning of the previous month. This month we see things like multimodal modelling (modelling multiple sources of data types such as images combined with text) and selfsupervised learning taking centre stage. Machine Learning Monthly March 2021 EfficientNetV2 Learn: Beginnerfriendly Machine Learning TensorFlow for Deep Learning Connect elsewhere: Web Twitch ArXiv channel (past streams) Get email updates on my work Timestamps: 0:00 Intro, hello, dancing 0:54 My work from the past month 2:21 Why is machine learning hard By Zayd Enam 4:13 Software 2. 0 by Andrej Karpathy 4:32 Start wi