The Stomach Churning Realities of Pol Pot s Killing Fields
Pol Pot Cambodia, Killing Fields Cambodia, Pol Pot Khmer Rouge A crowded city, once bustling with life, now a ghost town. The streets are silent, except for the sound of marching feet. Families are torn apart, men, women and children separated and sent to different labor camps. In these camps, the prisoners are subjected to endless days of backbreaking work, starvation, and abuse. This was the reality for countless innocent people under Pol Pot s rule. The Khmer Rouge regime was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 2 million Cambodians. From forced labor camps to mass executions, Pol Pot s regime left a legacy of horrors that still haunts the country today. As we uncover the atrocities committed by this cruel dictator, be prepared to be shocked and appalled. Welcome to History On Fleek, today we examine Pol Pot and the diabolical things that he did during his reign as the leader of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. In today s video we look at The StomachChurning Realities