Bisley: Cadet Marksmen (1953)
Bisley, Surrey. SV cadets preparing rifles (First 7 super. ) A, S cadet cleaning rifles. SV RAF pull through rifle. SV handing out ammunition to Sherwood Foresters. SCU track in closing breach. SV CU rifles on ground, pan to sailors preparing. A, S Sub. Lt. Squire showing Seaman Prentice of Invincible adjustment of sights. CU squire. CU prentice. GV cadets line up at firing point. SCU Sgt. Knell taking aim. Back view, targets and firing point with cadets. CU Lance Corporal Taylor taking aim. CU reverse angle, Taylor taking aim. SV zoom into target as sailor fires. SV cadets at firing point. SV cadets fire. LV targets going up in butts. SV targets being marked. Target coming down. CU target being marked and sent up. A, S target going up. GV cadets in foreground, fire at targets. SCU cadets fire. CU cadet firing. CU W, O Francies of Romford looking through telescope. (2 shots). CU cadet firing. A, S Bullet riddled clock on course. SV cups on table for presentation. SV cadets applauding. SV Sgt Dean receives