Madison Stewart PIP 23 Australian Tech diver, divemaste Tiger shark killed
The logical part of me wants you to know If Australia chooses to cull sharks again it won t create a safe environment for people to surf, rather the illusion of one, and will take an important apex predator out of the ecosystem. That s the logical argument, but it s more than that. It s about what it will mean. It will be a complete surrender of any remaining dignity we have as a country with respect towards nature. It means that our mental comfort in the ineffective actions of government mean more than preserving the natural world. We will show our children that there is no need to fear the ocean because we can attack it, but that fear sparks the respect that keeps us alive when we do interact with dangerous animals, it s nesessary for anyone entering the ocean. Because indirect killing of non target species to appease the most ignorant and sick of our society is truly the final straw. We ve failed as a country. We ve failed to protect ocean goers from the danger of sharks. And if we sit back and let justice