Caught By The Camera No. 1 (1934)
Titles read: Caught by the Camera No. 1. Various locations (most unknown) of strange things caught by the camera. In a Viennese hospital we see various shots of two adult monkeys; the mother has a baby clinging to her. The mother and tiny baby are washed in a hospital bath, where they were treated like ordinary patients, says the narrator. In South Africa we see a lovely black cat who eats and sits with a flock of little chicks. Commentator says the cat lost her kittens, but still had a strong maternal instinct so fostered the family of chicks after chasing off their mother hen. The cat lies down and washes her paws as the chicks stand and sit all over her. Horrible shots of a bear on hind legs being led around a skating rink on rollerskates. A man leads the bear along on a lead attached to a muzzle. The bear wears a dress this is really horrendous We then see a tower falling to the ground after the base has been set on fire. Several brief shots of a soap box derby, derby takin