J. S. Bach Ich ruf zu dir BWV 639 ( Anne Isabelle de Parcevaux, organ)
The chorale prelude Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ BWV 639 is one of the 46 chorale prelude of the Orgelbüchlein (the little book of organ ), written between 1708 and 1717. We are lucky enough to have the manuscript of J. S. Bach. It shows that he intended to write 164 chorale preludes. Here is the english translation of the chorale text : I call to you, Lord Jesus Christ, I pray, hear my lamentation, bestow your grace on me at this time, do not let me despair; I think that I have the right faith, Lord, which you wanted to give me, to live for you, to be useful to my neighbour, to keep your word properly. AnneIsabelle de Parcevaux, organist Organ : CavailléColl (1891), Haerpfer Erman (1977), at Saint Ignace church, Paris. HELP ME TO RECORD MORE VIDEOS :