ASTARTES, Teaser, Trailer, , Syama Pedersens NEW ASTARTES series
UPDATE Want to buy Warhammer40K cheaper Click my Element Games Affiliate link and help yourself to Warhammer products 1520 cheaper GO HERE: Now on ODYSEE as well I have finally set up a PATREON my self as well, so if you want to become a Sexy Supporter, do check out the link below: I have a twatter account as well: MAJOR UPDATE The Astartes Project has been privatized by Games Workshop in March 2021. The Astartes Patreon Page will be deactivated, since GamesWorkshop will be paying the Creator hence forth. Don t forget to reward the Messenger with a LIKE AND A SUB, always happy to bring you guys new content, make sure you will not miss a thing b HITTING DAT BELL Today is election day so God