Italian Floods Grow Worse (1951)
Full title reads: Italian Floods Grow Worse. Northern Italy. Terrible floods in the Italian Po Valley create havoc for local people. The Army help out. LV Pan swollen river in Po Valley. GV Swollen river. LV Swirling waters. SV Helicopter in flight. GV Air shot. Flooded village and countryside. LV Half submerged houses. SV Half submerged hay stacks. SV Pan people in punt being rowed to safety. SV Aged woman being assisted into punt. SV People on raft being taken to safety. SV Small child being assisted into punt. SV People in boat. SV Woman handing out clothing to man on ladder. SV Towards people in boats. CU woman in boat. SV Towards man hauling raft with little child sitting on same. SV Towards army amphibious DUKW amphibious vehicle coming onto dry land with rescued people. SV Soldier handing baby to mother. CU baby wrapped in blankets. CU Small girl wrapped in blanket CU Young Child. SV Aged woman being carried from DUKW. CU Aged men. CU Mother and young baby. CU Old woman. GV Flooded Po River. ..