Mortal Online 2 Nameless Siege Atempt 4 K the ACT Pickaxe force United
The massive pickaxe force was traveling form the Oldguard siege directly to the Nameless keep. I was in the small footgroup behind the kavallerie. ANd I left out the hardcore screaming parts of people to make the video a little bit more chilled. This was a great evening. Mentioned in the Video: Guides and Tutorials List: CPU is in Mortal often the Bottleneck: Timestamps: 0:00 Foot Patrol 0:30 Intro 0:35 General info 1:00 Running on foot 1:35 Waited for foot group 1:45 Stable FPS 2:32 Taming new Horses 2:50 WhiskeyBoys 3:26 Landscape around Nameless Keep 4:05 The siege with Pickaxes 4:27 Horses nearly shot 4:40 Extra Horse 5:05 Repairing from the inside 5:45 Horses are essential 6:10 Quality of life improvement Idea 6:40 Tifa in Dangerzone 7:00 On foot again wich irony 7:15 The future of Territory Control 7:50 Thanks Supporters 8:02 Outro If you want to join the gu