Senate Votes OVERWHELMINGLY To Screw Over Rail Workers
Earlier this week the House voted to force an agreement favorable to railroad operators on front line rail workers, and on Thursday the Senate followed suit in an overwhelmingly bipartisan 8015 vote. This epic betrayal of the rail workers was led by Joe Biden you know, the most unionfriendly President in history. And virtually all the progressives in Congress went along with it, demonstrating yet again that between the owners and the workers, Democrats of all stripes will side with the owners every time. Jimmy and The Dives Jackson Hinkle discuss the lack of a progressive movement that might have stood up for the workers and challenged Biden, Pelosi and Schumer not to force this deal down the workers throats. Jackson Hinkle on Twitter: Jacksons YouTube channel: Become a Premium Member: Go to a Live Show: Subscribe to Our N