Barry White, Marvin Gaye, Sade, Moloko, George Michael, Elton John Others Take It Easy
, TakeItEasyMusic, DeepHouse, DeepHouseMix TRACKLIST 1. 00:00 Barry White Let The Music Play (Manyus Edit) 2. 06:08 Marvin Gaye If This World Were Mine (Claes Rosen Remix) 3. 11:30 Michael Jackson Say Say Say (Sllash Remix) 4. 14:50 George Michael Careless Whisper (DJ Pantelis Soulful Mix) 5. 20:06 Bill Withers Ain t No Sunshine (Deepend Charles Sax Mix) 6. 24:25 Moloko Sing It Back (Deepside Deejays D. Damsa Extended Mix) 7. 28:49 George Michael Jesus To A Child (Paul Anthony Remix) 8. 34:55 Sade Jezebel (DJ Runo Remix) 9. 38:13 The Police Every Breath You Take (NASSAU ReLoved Mix) 10. 42:40 Elton John Sacrifice (Dj Amor Remix) 11. 47:35 Barry White Can t Get Enough Of Your Love Baby (Eric Faria Remix) 12. 53:06 Madonna Erotica (Maxim Andreev Remix) 14. 55:56 Kylie Minogue In Your Eyes (AMase Sharliz Cover Remix) Music By :