8 Japanese Parenting Rules All Kids Need
All kids are a joy to be around, but Japanese children are some of the most polite, friendly, and wellbehaved youll ever meet. They dont let their feelings run wild. In Japan, youll rarely meet a child whos crying in the supermarket (though there are always exceptions to the rule). Bright Side thinks that we ought to learn some upbringing tricks from Japanese parents. So weve collected the main principles of raising children in the Land of the Rising Sun. So if your parenting rules arent doing the trick, maybe give these tips a try If it works for people in Japan, it might just work for you TIMESTAMPS: Storytelling is a top priority 0:46 The motherchild bond is very close 1:35 Rules are more important than punishment 2:23 The community is involved in parenting 3:02 The childs nutrition is spot on 3:56 Children must think of others 4:54 Children are highly independent 5:38 Parents discipline their children in private 6:21