DFMM Episode 2: Cere money vs money in Papua New Guinea. Whats shell money why is it resurging
Normally my Dispatches from the Frontiers of Modern Money (DFMM) videos are for my paying Substack subscribers only (see here but I wish to gift this episode to everyone, in tribute to David Graeber, who was featured in my last piece: The Anthropologist in an Economist World In this episode I take on the topic of the resurgence of Tabu shell money in Papua New Guinea (long a favourite location for anthropologists) in the context of Covid19. You can find my writeup about it here In the video I cover many topics, including commodity vs. credit theories of money, ceremonial money systems ( ceremoney ), fetish objects, commodity fetishism, colonialism, syncretic money and countertrade, all of which lead to the present day story about shell money (which I became aware of on the 21st August, when the Guardian ran