Essential Chip Mix June 2023 ( Best Chiptune, Digifu, Keygen Music)
My fav chiptune music from 2023 and beyond Mixed live with PSPs running homebrew DJ software (Ruckus MOD v. 5). Hope you enjoy Free MP3 available on Soundcloud: Tracklist 00:00, Falcon Poliamber (Keygen) 01:00, laamaa controversy 03:01, Lindsay Lowend Comfortzone (Henry Homesweet Remix) 05:59, Je Mappelle Handheld Music 08:24, DeBisco Fade Away 11:03, ensnare The Lock 12:42, Pictureplane Real Is A Feeling (Unicorn Kid Ecstacy Dream Mix) 15:33, Nitro Fun Easter Egg 17:15, Aethernaut Gradient Walk 20:37, KUWAGO Don t stop music 23:16, DarTokki Summer Cherry 25:40, Jotori サイキSaiki 28:14, Je Mappelle paths 30:53, Sabrepulse Move Your Body 33:32, Starling Soredemo (それでも) 36:11, Xemogasa Sapphire Eyes