Siege Of Power The Devils Grasp ( OFFICIAL)
Buy here: When SIEGE OF POWER released their debut album Warning Blast in 2018, it was a jamming affair by four friends in the studio and nothing too serious. This time it s different and business is for real This Is Tomorrow is a tad darker than Warning Blast and that s not all. Chris Reifert s vocals are a lot more diverse giving each song it s own identity. It s a straight forward, rough metal album with good, old 80s vibes and reflects the dark times we are living in these days. Siege Of Power lineup: Chris Reifert: Vocals (Autopsy, Violation Wound, Abscess, Painted Doll) Paul Baayens: Guitar (Asphyx, exHail of Bullets, Thanatos) Theo van Eekelen: Bass (exHail of Bullets, exHouwitser, exGrand Supreme Blood Court) Bob Bagchus: Drums (exAsphyx, Soulburn, exGrand Supreme Blood Court) Siege Of Power online: