Relaxing Vibes of Lo Fi
This bewitching LoFi vibe will help you to focus on study, relax after hard day or just have a good time. Author Lucien Kemper x Fachhochschule Dortmund Tracks Clouds Fragile Ocean Attribution 4. 0 International (CC BY 4. 0) Author HoliznaCC0 Track So Broke Blue Skies Transformations 2 April Showers Come Again Small Towns Smaller Lives Glad To Be Stuck Inside A Little Shade Something In the Air Mundane Foggy Headed Static CC0 1. 0 Universal (CC0 1. 0) Public Domain Dedication Coral by LiQWYD, Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3. 0 Unported License Magic LoFi Beat, Chill by Le Gang Creative Commons Attribution 3. 0 Unported CC BY 3. 0 Free Download, Stream: https