Luwten Go Honey :: Rockstone Sessions
LUWTEN s music encapsulates that muchneeded stroll around the block to clear your mind. A tranquil space to properly arrange perceptions of difference and similarity. Through her songs, Douwstra emboldens the shy person who musters the courage to withdraw. The person who d rather consider all interactions, choices and dreams at his or her own desired pace. During the album s writing and recording process, Douwstra found a rewarding collaborator in percussionist and producer Frank Wienk (BINKBEATS). The album s supple, meticulous compositions are the result of two full years of exploring sounds, feeling ones way in the dark and unfurling elemental, onceveiled emotions to their bare essence. Douwstra s voice radiates like a human source of warmth amidst the music s glacial, freeflowing machinery. Camera: Casper Bijmans Sound Recordist: Jelle Weber Edit: Jelle Weber