Leftmost index, Binary Search Algorithm Data Structures
In this video, we are going to look at an interesting problem based on binary search Description: Given a sorted array of positive integers (elements may be repeated) and a number x. The task is to find the leftmost index of x in the given array. Example: Input:N 10 arr 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7 x 1 Output: 0 In this video, youll also learn about asymptotic notations, they are basically mathematical notations which represent order of growth of any mathematical function. There are three famous notations which youll see in this video, they are big O, Theta, Omega. Welcome to the first video Tutorial on Data Structures And Algorithms. In this video I am going to provide an Introduction to Data Structures And Algorithms. This Course is created to Explain the Fundamentals of dat. .., ProgrammingKnowledge, DataStructuresAndAlgorithms, DataStructures, algorithm, Algorithms, AlgorithmsTutorial, DataStructuresTutorial, StacksandQueues, BasicAlgebra, AdvancedAlgorithms 20221014 l97tZsToMdk