THIS IS ILLEGAL New Cthun Maxima BUG , Hearthstone
The goal of this Hearthstone C thun Hunter OTK combo deck is to use Maxima Blastenheimer combined with C thun We do this by playing Beckoner of Evil to buff our C thun. Then, we play Maxima to pull the C thun from our deck. This will cause C thun to continue buffing 60 times over Super fun meme deck Good luck Check out my stream at Follow me at Discord: Use Creator Code MarkMcKz for Epic Game Store Purchases and Fortnite VBuck spending Special thanks for supporting the channel: Brendan Long Bagus Tuladanny James Lawlor Oliver Gündisch Chad Wolf Georgia Gilbert Gladitz Deck Code: AAEBAZ, DAwTJrwLLrwKPzgOS4wMNtQOAB, ixAt, SAqSIA5+lA4LQA4TiA9vtA6mfBOSfBOWfBLugBAA , Hearthstone, OTK, UnitedinStormwind